Tag Archive | VW van

Surfing Penguin

Surfing PenguinSo I am crossing more presents of my Gift list!  I have another pillow finished for someone for Christmas.  It was made to compliment the VW van pillow from last week (which was featured on Sew Cute Tuesday at BlossomHeart Quilts this week, yay!!).  This little penguin is all ready for the beach with his surfboard! I just wish I had some thicker white fabric as you can see through it a bit.


The pillow has an envelope back with surfboards.  I tried to make the surfboard on the front tie in the the backing fabric.  I think it turned out well, and it looks nice hanging out with my Christmas Monkey quilt!


Here are the pillows together – I love how well they go together!  They are now all wrapped up and ready to be shipped off to their new home for Christmas!  One more crossed off my Finish a long list!

Link ups this week: Sew cute Tuesday, Fabric Tuesday, Lets Bee Social,

Coastal Cruiser

IMG_1877I am busy working on some Christmas presents for this year, because as we all know handmade presents are the best! First on my finishes for this year’s Christmas is a pillow for my brother in law.

My bother in law loves VW vans (well so does my Husband for that matter) and has been restoring one for the last few years. I knew when I saw the Coastal cruiser by Tula Pink pattern last year that it would be perfect for him, but at the time he was living with a bunch of guys and I had a feeling that a throw pillow would not be highly appreciated. He has since moved and I was told that his living room needed some color, so I am hoping this pillow will do trick.


The van is done in raw edge applique and I hand embroidered the logo before putting it on the pillow.  I love the way the colours turned out – like a van driving down the beach.  The only thing I think it is missing – a surfboard on the roof!

Well, that is one more thing to cross of my Finish a long list for this year! Now onto the second pillow!

Link ups: Lets Bee Social, Sew Cute Tuesday, Needle and Thread Thursday