Tag Archive | half square triangle

New Block for Guild

BOM string blockThe last week I have been working on a new block for my Modern Guild’s Block of the Month.  This month is a string block, and I decided to do mine as a sort of rainbow starburst.  I love the way it turned out and now I think I need an entire quilt made out of these blocks!  I may start making more of these blocks now as they were quick to put together and didn’t require too much thought so they were great for nap times.

I now have 4 blocks ready!  I am loving the way they all look together.


It is time to start thinking of getting the next block ready: a wonky log cabin!

Linking up to : Sew Cute Tuesday,

Simply HST

Wow, August is turning into a month of finishes for me, which is great.  I love seeing all these quilts come together, yay.


This week I managed to get all the binding and labelling finished for my Half Square Triangle Block of the Month (HST BOM) quilt from In Color Order’s BOM.  She did the BOM in 2012, but I was not able to start my quilt until January of this year.  I was trying to be good and keep it as a BOM, but in June I got excited and started going ahead.  I am happy I did as I love how it all turned out and that I will have this bright happy quilt for the fall and winter.

I did the quilt using Simply Color fabric line from V and Co.  I love this fabric and all the happy colors in it.

HST BOM Quilt Back

The backing is rainbow chevrons from Riley Blake in large.  This took a little planning as I needed to piece it and I didn’t want the seam to be noticeable.  I managed to get it pretty close but not perfect – no one has noticed so far, lol.

HST BOM Quilting

For the quilting i wanted to stick with something with angels to go with all the triangles on the front.  I decided to quilt it with straight lines in a chevron pattern.  To make things easy, I simply followed the chevrons on the back (and quilted it upside down which was interesting to make sure I didn’t hit any pins!).

Quilt Stats:

Pattern: HST BOM from In Color order

Fabric: Simply Color layer cake, + Kona Snow

Backing: Large Rainbow Chevrons, Riley Blake

Linking up to Finish it up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts. and Needle and Thread Thursday.

My Quilt Infatuation

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Work in Progress Wednesday

I have been keeping busy over the last few weeks, and sadly not with as much sewing as I would like.   I have been able to make some progress on a project or two though!

The project I have been focusing on lately is my HST BOM from In Color Order.  I found this BOM late, as started it in January (after it was already concluded from the year before, oops).  I liked the blocks so much that I couldn’t stop myself and now have finished all the remaining blocks.  I am currently working on getting all the sashing together into a quilt top.

HST BOM ProgressI have also finished a quilt top for a friend.  She was inspired by a quilt she saw while planning her wedding, and knew what colours she liked.  Otherwise she left it up to me.  I decided to do a little bit of a redesign, and I like the way it is turning out.  Now I just have to figure out how I am going to quilt it.

All You Need TopI am linking up to Work in Progress Wednesday on Freshly Pieced.  If you have come from the link up, welcome and I thank you for checking my post out.  If you haven’t checked out the linkup I highly recommend checking it out – there are lots of great projects that people are working on!