Tag Archive | Modern Quilt Guild

Bloggers Quilt Festival – Pretty Petals

Pretty Petals

I made this quilt for the Modern Quilt Guild Fabric Challenge with Micheal Miller fabrics.  It is one of the few quilts I have made this year that was of my own design (apparently having a kiddo took away a lot of my time for creating), however it is also one of my favourite quilts from this year.  Thankfully it gets to stay at my house!

When the fabrics first arrived, I had no idea what I was going to make with them.  I admit I stared at them for weeks before I cut into them a friends house, there is nothing like a quilting session with friends inspire you and give you the courage to cut into that fabric!


The quilt to came together quickly, including the back I pieced with leftovers from the front, which was great given that this had a deadline and I was running our of time.  Then for reasons I still don’t understand (must have been the sleep deprevation making it seem like a good idea) I decided to do some spiral quilting.  Not just any spiral quilting with lines spaces a reasonable distance, nope I decided to space the quilting 1/4″ apart.  Then I decided that I needed a second spiral that centered on the “flower” on the back of the quilt. So much for a quick quilt.


It was worth it though and i love the end product.  I was worried the heavy quilting would make it too stiff, but that hasn’t been a problem yet (although I haven’t been brave enough to wrap the baby up in all that white either).

I am entering this quilt in Bloggers Quilt Festival Original Design Category put on my Amy’s Creative Side (thanks for hosting!).



Pretty Petals


My local modern quilt guild decided to participate in the Modern Quilt Guild Micheal Miller fabric challenge.  This is the quilt that I made for the challenge.  They provided us with fat eights of 6 fabrics which are the main features in the front of my quilt.  I loved the fabric with the colourful wedges and used that to inspire the start of my design with the stacked wedges.


The back of the quilt was made by piecing the scraps together into a strip and filled with Michael Miller Coral solids.


For the quilting I decided this would be a great time to try a spiral quilting.  I had two designs and after a bit of debating I decided to center the spirals on the fowers on the the front and back of the quilt.


The binding took a little longer than anticipated due to our new arrival, but she makes an adorable quilt model!


Linking up to Finish it up Friday

Quilting Spirals

I haven’t been getting much sewing done lately as the weather has finally gotten nice out!  I have been getting the garden in and doing some spring cleaning around the house instead of working in the sewing room.  However I have been working on getting some projects finished, and they are slowly coming together.  This week I have been working on getting the quilting on a small quilt I started last month.  Quilting

Now I just have to figure out how I am going to finish.  I have two options I am thinking of, so hopefully I can decide between them (or I might just have to flip a coin) so I can get this project moved to the finished pile!



Linking up to Needle and Thread Thursday!  I love checking out all the projects people have going on – it keeps me motivated and inspired!

Guild Challenges Progress

Mystery quilt blocks

I am working at finishing up the top for the mystery quilt that I am doing with my local Modern Quilt Guild. I have now finished all the individual blocks and am getting ready to put them together! I can’t wait to see how this all comes together!

Micheal Miller Challenge Fabric

I have also started cutting into my Micheal Miller Fabric for the Modern Quilt Guild fabric challenge. It is such pretty fabric that it took a bit for me to be able to cut into it, but I am liking how the design is coming together. This is the next quilt on my “must finish soon” list as the contest ends June 23, yikes!

MM Fabric Challenge